Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic, Workshop 2

Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic Workshop

Workshop Two: Psychedelic Clinic Operations and Planning


PRATI’s Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic Workshop 2 offers practical examples from various US clinics actively engaged in the psychedelic framework through a variety of instructional formats.  The program provides insight into the future of psychedelic medicine with a focus on core topics that include: clinical setting, practice management, legal considerations, ethical concerns,  and marketing plans.

Attendees will leave equipped with an understanding of core business and clinic fundamentals uniquely tailored to support this emergent healing paradigm and the future business of psychedelic medicine. PRATI is a psychedelically focused non-profit that has been supported by the Psychedelic Science Funders Collaborative to put on this webinar to speed the emergence of this new paradigm. 

This stand-alone workshop augments and expands beyond the basic business fundamentals provided in our first workshop:  “Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic Workshop I


Presentations Overview

Day 1

The Future of Psychedelic Medicine in the US. This talk will provide an overview of recent legislative changes, including the Oregon initiative and look towards the emerging legal and regulatory practice environment. Graham Boyd has been central to much of the legislative advancement for cannabis and psilocybin across the US. 

Entering the Psychedelic Medicine Paradigm: MDMA, Psilocybin and Ketamine. How does this work change the business and work environment in a clinic? What does work flow look like in a psychedelically oriented clinic and how does it shift operations and practical matters like scheduling? Scott Shannon has decades of work in this framework and is also a Phase III MDMA site Principal Investigator for MAPS as well as a ketamine-assisted practitioner/trainer.

Bringing these Medicines Forth, Legally. Brad Barlett is an attorney with extensive experience in the cannabis and psychedelic space. He will consider how these medicines can stretch our concerns around liability. He will also address regulatory constraints and the challenges of practicing safely in an ever moving legal environment. 

Creating a Sacred Clinic. The psychedelic model challenges us all to create a special environment that enhances the medicine experience while modeling sustainable practices. How do we celebrate our connection to the planet while running a cost-effective clinic. Jaime Harvie has been working in the sustainable movement for decades and serves on the PRATI Board of Directors.

Successful Psychedelic Models. This program will highlight three different large clinical models in the US that employ the psychedelic framework successfully. It will highlight both their innovations and challenges as they plow new clinical ground. 

Psychedelic Solo Practice. In this segment a solo practitioner will offer insight about the challenges and blessings of a simpler and smaller solo model of practice.   

Day 1 End 


Day 2


Consciousness, Capitalism and Psychedelics. This short segment will consider the core elements of the psychedelic model and how they can best interface with capitalism without distortion or commodification. 

Fostering a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Clinic. 2020 has only highlighted issues that are historic, systemic, and continued. The US psychedelic community has been very much a white and affluent subculture. How do we address issues so evident here as we endeavor to establish a new model for mental health. Yarelix Estrada and Kwasi Adusei will lead this exploration.

Ethical issues in Psychedelic Clinics. A new paradigm creates new dilemmas for practitioners and owners. Do you use video or two therapists? How do we protect the extreme vulnerability inherent in psychedelic medicine work? These and other quandaries will be explored. Jessica Breemen from PRATI and DanceSafe will facilitate.

Leadership by Vision & Values. How do you effectively lead others in a shared psychedelic venture? How does one translate core values or a clear vision into an effort that others will join and follow? This segment will provide some practical lived experience about stepping into leadership in an emerging paradigm.  

Psychedelic Medicine Culture. The passion that we have witnessed in psychedelic medicine is driven by the inner experience that carries insight and healing.These inner experiences also drive a desire to share this message with others. How do these experiences change people and what are the characteristics of this audience.  

Access to Heart: Psychedelic Marketing & Stories From the Field. Our roving reporter, Andy Belanger with decades of business start-up consulting, will interview five clinics from around the US to highlight how they market their services and what has been learned. 

Financing & Funding Models in Psychedelic Medicine. You need money to create a psychedelic clinic. What are your options for funding or financing a start-up? How do you present your funding needs in the manner most likely to find a yes. Greg Kearns who leads Forth Road, a psychedelically informed consulting company will share his perspective.

Building your Dream in Psychedelic Medicine. What does your dream clinic look like? How will you explain this to others? In this breakout, participants will have a chance to outline the essence of their vision with support and guidance. 

Day 2 End


Presentation Format

In order to help participants make the information relatable and actionable, PRATI offers multiple teaching approaches and delivers the content through guest clinic case studies, breakout discussions and lecture formats. Depending on the class, curriculum will be supported by a reference guidebook and the videos of the presentations will be made available after the conference for follow up review of the material.

Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic, Workshop 2



What you will learn

The second Building a Psychedelic Medicine Clinic is tailored for healthcare professionals interested in the design, operations and management of a psychedelic medicine clinic within both the current and anticipated future regulatory framework. It is designed to be practical and cover fundamental skills and concepts essential for a successful psychedelic business. At the end of this workshop participants will be able to: 


  1. Describe the evolving regulatory framework of psychedelic medicine.
  2. Discuss the cannabis, ketamine and MDMA paradigm.
  3. Explain and apply core green clinic design and operational concepts and their relationship to psychedelic medicine. 
  4. Discuss real world ethical challenges in the context of psychedelic medicine. 
  5. Appraise marketing best practices, challenges and lessons learned from psychedelic clinics. 
  6. Discuss real world psychedelic medicine clinic operational best practices and challenges. 
  7. Describe and apply core concepts to support a diverse, equitable and inclusive clinic. 
  8. Discuss psychedelic finance and funding models. 

PRATI Faculty: Course Director Scott Shannon

Course Director: Scott Shannon, MD, has been a student of consciousness since his honor’s thesis on this topic in the 1970s. Following medical school, MDMA assisted psychotherapy became a facet of his practice before this medicine was scheduled in 1985. Scott has been a transformative agent in mental health and a visionary leader in integrative medicine for over two decades. He is a cannabidiol and MDMA researcher as well as a sought-after trainer and speaker. Currently, Scott works extensively with a broad range of ketamine services including ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in his large innovative clinic. He lectures all over the world to professionals interested in a deeper look at mental health issues, ketamine, psychedelics and a paradigm shifting perspective about transformative care.



Mary Rondeau ND, RH(AHG), is a naturopathic doctor and registered herbalist who has a deep interest in plants and their ability to alter the human body and mind. She previously conducted research at Colorado State University on Mycobacterium tuberculosis prior to her completion of naturopathic medical school. She brings together a balance of being a practitioner and drive to teach other providers how to be successful business owners.  She is driven to change the mental health field to be more holistically focused and this includes the use of traditional plant medicines to aid in healing transformations. Currently she has a private clinical practice and teaches nationally about integrative psychiatry, naturopathic medicine, nutrition, and botanical medicine.



Jamie Harvie is the founder of the One Sacred Earth Project and serves as President of the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI) and the Duluth Whole Foods Co-op. Jamie is nationally recognized for his extensive experience at the nexus of health, community, environment and health care. Jamie led the successful coordination and passage of mercury product legislation. He is the recipient of the NRDC National Thought Leader award for his work on sustainable food systems and health care. His work is published widely for journals including the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and is a contributor to a textbooks including Integrative Medicine. Jamie offers organizational development, strategic planning and collaborative leadership training and serves as a racial healing circle facilitator.



PRATI Faculty: Jessica Breemen

Jessica Breemen, MSW, was awarded her Master of Social Work in May of 2020, has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice & Criminology, and is a certified Scrum Master.  Her research has focused on organizational development, criminal justice and drug policy reform, full spectrum harm reduction, as well as MDMA and ketamine-assisted psychotherapies. Jessica is a Senior Project Leader for a social justice non-profit dedicated to incubating and supporting social ventures to build progressive political power and civic engagement with low income and BIPOC communities. Jessica serves on the board of directors of DanceSafe and completed her MSW advanced specialty field placement during her 2019-2020 school year at Wholeness Center in Fort Collins, CO.



Andy Belanger is a strategic business coach with Heros Business Solutions Inc. He has been coaching Health professionals nationally/internationally for 32 years and counting.  His passion is providing a strong Business of health foundation so that health professionals succeed and help more people. 




Darrick May, MD, is a board certified general and addiction psychiatrist with a private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He takes an integrative approach with a particular interest in psychedelic-assisted therapy. Darrick completed a research fellowship studying psilocybin at Johns Hopkins, is currently a therapist in MAPS’ phase 3 study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD, and utilizes ketamine- assisted therapy in his clinic.




Graham Boyd is an attorney specializing in political efforts to reform drug laws and reduce mass incarceration. In 2017, Graham co-founded the Psychedelic Science Funders Collaborative, a nonprofit community of philanthropists dedicated to the understanding that psychedelic medicine has the potential to make an enormous impact and has an achievable path to regulatory approval, but has been systemically underfunded. PSFC supports research on and clinical trials of physician-prescribed psychedelic medicines and patient access to these treatments. Graham is also the founding director of New Approach PAC, through which he has led the opinion research, legal drafting and campaign design for cannabis and other drug policy reform measures throughout the United States. Since 2010, he has led an ongoing opinion research project on voter views about cannabis reform, creating a data set that has guided political strategy and messaging on these issues. He also advises the leading group of philanthropists who support cannabis reform nationally. Previously, Graham was the founding director of the national ACLU’s Drug Law Reform Project, a national litigation project addressing civil rights and civil liberties consequences of punitive drug policies.



Brad Bartlett has enjoyed a long, successful career as a litigator, legal and policy advisor, and professor and lecturer. Brad’s diverse array of clients include private and publicly traded cannabis corporations as well as medical clinics, doctors and therapists working with new psychedelic therapies. Brad is also a member of the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicine’s Council for the Protection of Sacred Plants where he works on issues related to religious exercise with psychedelics and decriminalization matters. More information on Brad can be found by visiting his website at:



Genesee Herzberg, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist in the California Bay Area offering depth-oriented psychotherapy and ketamine-assisted therapy at her clinic in Berkeley, and MDMA-assisted therapy through FDA-approved research trials. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies where she wrote her dissertation on the phenomenology and sequelae of MDMA-assisted therapy. Genesee co-founded Sage Integrative Health, a holistic health and psychedelic clinic in 2018, and launched its sister nonprofit, Sage Institute, a sliding scale psychedelic clinic and training center in 2019. Genesee is passionate about increasing the accessibility of psychedelic medicine, facilitating the ethical roll-out of psychedelic delivery systems while maintaining high standards of care, and moving the field towards greater inclusivity of diverse and traditionally marginalized voices. She is currently working on an edited book advancing critical thinking in psychedelic psychotherapy.



Veronika Gold, MFT, is a co-founder of Polaris Insight Center. She provides ketamine assisted therapy, consultation, and training. She is as well a therapist and supervisor associate for MDMA - assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in clinical trial sponsored by MAPS. Veronika is dedicated to conscious leadership and collaboration between clinicians. She is passionate about training the new generation of psychedelic assisted therapists.



Eric Sienknecht, PsyD, is a co-founder of Polaris Insight Center. He provides ketamine assisted therapy, consultation, and training. He is as well a therapist for MDMA - assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in clinical trial sponsored by MAPS. Eric is passionate about creating and teaching about music for psychedelic assisted therapy sessions and about training the new generation of psychedelic assisted therapists.




Yarelix Estrada, MSPH, is a first-generation Central American, drug policy and harm reduction researcher, community outreach worker for overdose prevention and psychedelic community organizer. In NYC, Yarelix is the director of the New York City Psychedelic Society which serves as a community organization to connect those interested in psychedelics, social justice, and healing while educating on psychedelic harm reduction and important intersecting topics. She has organized events that are for people of color only to provide a safe space for intentional processing of psychedelic experiences and fostering community trust. Yarelix currently works as a City Research Scientist in her local city government conducting community-based substance use harm reduction outreach and research. She is currently also serving as an Engagement Coordinator under her COVID emergency response role where she supports and advocates for Indigenous communities across NYC. She received her Master of Science in Public Health in Health Policy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.



Dr. Kwasi Adusei, DNP, PMHNP, is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and co-founder of the Psychedelic Society of Western New York, out of which he developed a local psychedelic harm reduction organization. Kwasi is a trainee of the MAPS sponsored MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD and was part of the first ever therapists of color cohort. He intends to bring this work into underserved communities. Kwasi sits on the committee for Diversity Equity and Inclusion at Horizon Health Services, a nonprofit mental health organization of over 700 employees where he works as a psychiatric nurse practitioner in their substance use disorder detox, long term rehabilitation, and in one of their 26 outpatient centers.



Dr. Mark Braunstein is the Founder & CEO of Reconscious Medical. “Dr. B,” is a whole health psychiatrist. He completed his residency in general psychiatry and his fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry in 1997. Shortly thereafter, he began exploring the use of psychoactive plant-based medicines in the treatment of various psychiatric conditions in both children and adults. With over 22 years of clinical experience, Dr. B has pioneered a new path in psychiatric care that integrates wilderness programming, exercise, diet, spirituality, and natural medicines. Dr. B is the medical director for multiple mental health clinics, including a groundbreaking psychedelic psychotherapy practice in Boulder, Colorado. His plant-based dosing protocols have made him a sought-after medical consultant, advisor, and educator. He runs inpatient and outpatient treatment programs focused on addiction treatment. Driven by a passion to educate and elevate humanity to a healthier and happier place, Dr. B is involved in multiple projects focused on expanding access, awareness, research, and safety in the field of psychedelics.



Matthew Campeau trained as a mindfulness-based psychotherapist at Naropa University in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology. He has been an Independent Rater with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) since 2012, currently supporting Phase 3 MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy studies. Matthew has trained in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with the Ketamine Training Center. He has worked with thousands of suicidal and high acuity clients and is passionate about harm reduction and prevention. Matthew has 12 years clinical experience with individuals with mild to chronic and severe mental illnesses and has a strong ability to remain grounded and support clients in dysregulation, crisis, psychosis, or altered states of consciousness. In co-founding Reconscious Medical, he translated his skills in assessment and therapy to develop screening, monitoring, and treatment protocols within a tech platform for use in psychedelic therapy.



Will Van Derveer, MD, is co-founder of Integrative Psychiatry Institute (, which teaches doctors how to recognize and resolve an expanded spectrum of root causes of mental illness. His clinic, Integrative Psychiatry Center of Boulder, CO, provides integrative psychiatry and ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression and PTSD. In addition to his clinical practice and teaching, he has been involved with several studies sponsored by MAPS investigating MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD, now in Phase III under break-through designation by FDA. Dr. Van Derveer is a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM). He earned his M.D. from Vanderbilt University and B.A. from University of Pennsylvania.



Jim Matto-Shepard, PhD, is a licensed psychologist who lives and works in Petaluma California. He is co-founder of the psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy clinic Temenos Center for Integrative Psychotherapy. Jim is passionate about ritual, relationship and transformation. He is a Soul Motion conscious dance instructor, long time meditator and a specialist in developing playlists for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.




Greg Kearns is a health care strategist with over 16 years of progressive leadership experience in strategic planning, business development and innovation roles within not-for-profit health systems. He recently founded Forth Road Health which aims to assist stakeholders in the psychedelic community as they develop the infrastructure necessary for the successful integration of psychedelic medicines into the existing health care system. Forth Road is actively assembling a team with a broad array of expertise in the health care sector to support the numerous entities that plan to develop sites of care throughout the U.S. and internationally. Forth Road is committed to supporting projects that ensure the responsible stewardship of psychedelic medicines into the world – with a particular emphasis on access and affordability; quality and safety; and the collaborative advancement of science and research. Personally, Greg is excited by the promise that psychedelic medicines have to be used in a manner that goes far beyond the treatment of disease – and instead as powerful tools for humanity as we seek to tackle some of the most complex problems facing our civilization and planet today. He can be reached at



This training provides the necessary business fundamentals one needs to create a successful clinic that can scale. I would highly recommend this training for anyone seeking a comprehensive overview of everything that’s needed to build a solid foundation. You will have concrete take-aways. I guarantee!
- Dan Ronken, LPC - LAC, Inclusion Recovery, LLC

This workshop provided the fundamental structure into which we can pour our dreams and energy. I feel prepared to approach this Herculean task of breaking into an emergent field - via small, consistent, and committed steps.
- Karen Knight

The training provided by PRATI was comprehensive and in depth. There were tangible, logical, useful tools I gained about building a psychedelic medicine business geared for success.
- Laura Nash

This is a course that every new healthcare provider should attend. Even if you are already a business owner, the information you will be given is gold.
- Abid Nazeer, MD

A thoughtful and practical training on fundamentals of running a practice. One would have to try hard not to find this training useful.
- Tim Mills

I think this course is a must for anyone who is starting or building a wellness practice even if psychedelics are not totally on your radar. This was money well invested and the information provided invaluable.
- Charlotte Charfen

PRATI is doing an amazing job of preparing all the future generations of therapists, who are brave enough to support new psychotherapy revolution. These businesses principles and basis will make you grow not only as an entrepreneur, but as a therapist as well. Learn the basics so you get to be better at providing these new revolutionary services, it's the things you may don't want to know, but in a longer run you will.
- Ognjen Vukotić

This program is exactly what I have needed to help me progress from a mindset of employment/contact work in straight conventional care to that of a mindset of operating a private practice with a group that is focused on healing and not solely symptom suppression. The level of understanding that I now have about opening a private practice and growing understanding of financials has afforded a measure of confidence more valuable than the price of the weekend. Given the comprehensive nature of the program including a sustainable business philosophy in addition to the infectious passion of the presenters, particularly Andy, I'm confident that if I follow the principles and suggestions provided, I will be successful fulfilling my vision. Priceless!
- Teresa Cone

Building a psychedelic medicine clinic training was jam-packed with information and foundational skills for anyone looking to learn about the business of building a psychedelic medicine clinic.
- Avishai Afek

PRATI is comprised of a solid group of seasoned professionals and clinicians. This training left me feeling more knowledgeable about the business of opening a psychedelic medicine program and gave me pause to consider how to integrate this into my current practice. I will definitely be participating in the second weekend and want to attend their KAP training when available again.
- Kim Skelton

This was the most professionally relevant training I have attended in the last 15 years. It illuminated the path through the financial aspects of private practice which has continuously held me back. My confidence in my ability to run my nonprofit has increased exponentially. Every CEO can benefit from this training.
- Jacqueline Fisher

The information that PRATI provides is a good place to get this much-needed training for the future of psychedelic use in the therapeutic and mental health field.
- Brenda S. Burgard

This is a great course that provides tool, organization and structure for successful practice management.
- Melody Eloreal