Lisa Rosen, LPC

I have a therapy practice in Denver, CO specializing in the treatment of anxiety, depression and trauma among professional adults. I work with clients to understand the unique pressures and challenges faced by professionals in high-pressured environments. I work with clients using an experiential and relational approach to therapy, incorporating holistic, mindful and somatic methods to find connection and understanding within themselves and also in relationship to others. I hope to empower clients to lead fulfilling lives, with greater resilince and a stronger sense of personal well-being. I use theraputic models, such as AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) and EFT(Emotionally Focused Therapy) to work to transfom suffering into healing and transformation.
As a society, I feel like we and I had really lost the experience of the sacred within self, community, nature and spirit. I have personally experienced my own journey in reconnecting, honoring and embracing the sacred, a vital missing piece that feels like the foundation of healing and connection within self and community. As I myself, reconnect to the foundation of what makes being human so special and embodied, I have found deep meaning and joy, also pain and love in these connections. I am greatful, for myself and my work with clients because this reconnection brings hope and a greater sense of purpose and resonance within self and to others. I hope to continue and walk in this work, honoring the experience of the Sacred.