Tatyana Kholodkov, PhD, DYRT 1000

Project Yes PLLC
Practitioner Information
Type of Provider
Licensed Therapist
Certificates with Other Training Centers
Polaris Insight Center
Description of Services

Project Yes PLLC is a company focused on mindful living, and saying YES to life. In addition to traditional psychotherapy and yoga offerings, services include psychedelic psychotherapy, including preparation and integration as well as ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP).

Areas of focus including mind body approaches to anxiety, depression and trauma, and enhancing our capacity to be present to what life brings.

In addition to services in NC, Dr Tatyana Kholodkov can work with clients virtually in 30+ states with PSYPACT privileges. She is also a graduate of the CPTR training program.

Price Range (per hour)
$100 to $250
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

Project YES PLLC as a company is explicitly LGBTQIA affirming, anti racist, sex and body positive and supportive of those in the poly and kink communities. Dr Tatyana Kholodkov dedicated to dismantling systems of oppression, decolonizing the practices we share, and examining our social positioning (including through ongoing education and accountability with others). Profits annually are also donated to efforts for uplifting others and increasing access to healing services.

I believe our existence, and how we move through the world is inherently linked to others and the natural world. Psychedelics are one of many keys that can reconnect us with our inherent qualities of care and compassion, to inner wisdom that we belong. Through our own healing, we can have the awareness and energy to care for our selves, our community and our planet.