earth invocation

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Earth Invocation

I am grateful for the vastness and incredible diversity of all life. For the ocean and the world within a drop of water, the whale and the octopus and the crow and the tadpole and the fur and fins and slime and coolness and warmth. The variety of means of propulsion and of mating and intelligence and all forms of life. The abundance is awesome to contemplate. It is a respite from people, a respite from engineering, from tastes from modifying, from human laws, from preferences and needs and wants. It provides logic and an order as well as an unpredictability and randomness that I find soothing.

I am grateful for my health, thankful that god always provides what I need, that Nature provides us everything we need; plants, plant medicines, herbal medicines, that help heal and restore the body, allowing us to reclaim our spirit and soul. I feel one, with nature, all the time.

I am grateful for the green that surrounds me and the colors of flowers. They inspire joy, calm and a sense that everything is ok and beautiful. And, make me feel in peace.

I give thanks for the gift of my new baby girl. She is the most amazing, profound example of the natural world, working in perfect order that I have ever experienced; a constant reminder of the perfect genius of nature.

I give thanks to Rocky Mountains worldwide. Their solid presence, altitude, and winter’s snow grounds my soul, lifts my spirit, and thrills me.

I am grateful for the colors from the Earth. Organic Earth color from plants, soil and minerals, are vibrant and life- filled.

I am grateful for the beauty of the Sonoran Desert — the magical plants, animals, and confluence of human cultures that make this place vibrantly alive, a source of deep healing and meaning. This community of conscious beings and animistic nature makes me feel peace, joy, awe, and reverence bringing me a sense of deep connection to the divine. I feel nurtured in my heart and soul.

I salute the setting Sun, a very special gift just for me. The peace, calm and beauty at the penumbra of dusk connects me with a higher consciousness.

I am grateful for my communion with Nature and give thanks to remember all that which continues to revolve around me.

Thank you warm radiant sky and slender leaf, calm stag watching over the little fawns. I bask in the receiving arms of the world around me, in me. Nourished. Deeply breathed. Secure.

I am grateful to be in and part of nature. I give thanks for the ecosystem that allows me to live.

I give thanks for the tall pine tree on my street, the owls that hoot at night, and the expanse of the Grand Canyon. The tall pine calms me, reminds me to be present, to do my part. The owls are my ancestors guiding me speaking to me encouraging me. The Grand Canyon is my place of renewal.

I’m grateful for the gift of the natural world – the woods, the rivers, the mountains. The natural world restores my true essence, the sounds hum my nervous system back to homeostasis, and my senses open to the beauty awe and divine intelligence of everything around me.

I am grateful for the majesty and beauty of the Rocky Mountains. These mountains remind me of the grandeur and power of Nature. They have stood in our midst for generations reminding me of how small we humans are in comparison and how our time here is limited.

I give thanks to the wind as it gently moves the leaves above my head and the way nature speaks to me in this way, quieting my anxious mind. This gentle reminder brings me home, back to myself, where I am one, in the moment. I am grounded and humbled by this reminder.

I am grateful for the smell of the morning air, and the feeling of the breeze against my skin. I give thanks to the earth for all its processes that sustain and inspire life. With each draw of breath, I feel cared for and nourished by the fresh air this earth provides. It allows all beings and substances to simultaneously sustain, grow, and change.

I am grateful for the trees, for the trees mirror my desire to be rooted to the earth, communicating with my brothers and sisters, exchanging breath with all living things, receiving the gifts of water and weathering the challenges of each season.

I am grateful for the rich, vibrant web of nature in the mountains and forests of Colorado. I feel blessed that I can immerse myself in this natural world and shed my created self to return to my natural self. I feel at home and at peace.

I give thanks for the endless flow of the universe that moves through the sunshine, in the air, in the rocks and in the waters. It reveals itself through both life and death that our lived experience is equally of both. Nature holds all in every moment and I am part of this current; I co-create it. This flow is both within me and more than me. All is sacred.

This invocation is a joint project between the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI) and the One Sacred Earth Project and was co-created through submissions by the psychedelic community. On occasion, to create a flow and sense of consistency, words may have been slightly altered, added, or omitted. The raw data can be used to create multiple different iterations. This is but one version.

Through psychedelic medicine PRATI nurtures a new approach to mental health, and illuminates a pathway for individual and planetary healing. We do so by expanding professional capacity for transformational care, restoring a relational paradigm of health and healing and conducting clinically relevant research