Haiku Wall – Art & Integration Feature

Written by PRATITeam

Our Art & Integration features uplift and honor our community members’ process of integration and celebrate art as a vehicle for healing. If you’d like to contribute or learn more about the project, visit our psychedelic-inspired art submissions page.

At our January 2023 pilot Group KAP Training, one of our collective integration projects was a Haiku Wall. Participants were invited to write poems about their experience in sharpie on a large sheet of paper hanging from the wall in the room we gathered in each day. This collective resource has been gifted by the cohort and is a beautiful reflection of the group’s spirit.

Sacred witnessing
Love oozing from our beings
We bond in oneness

Grateful for life light
Bearing witness is light enough
See light in others

Carry the basket
Hold me up in the sun
Oh! how I miss you

Supported, here, now
Safety to enter the heart
Joy dances through you

Resist resistance
You can slow down and breathe now
Embrace all of it

Sub-Q Scott can do
Turn it into a haiku
Maybe it will work

Pain, oh great pain, be
Just be, just breathe, and release
You have permission

It is all of it,
The shit, the pain, and the joy
Grieving it out now

Can love show me things
I once thought were improbable
Sacred and profane

Allies near and far
Protectors both light and dark
Wisdom be thy theme

Fallen leaves, crisp air
Bare trees a silent witness
To a soul reborn

Child, sacred, giddy
Grandmother showing the way
Returning to sea

Strong bear energy
Intuition from the cave
Golden emergence

Honey, tenderness
Truth seeking, breath moving through
Love showing up, whole

I love chocolate
Mermaids and mycelium
A fire is burning, crackling

Turn up the music
Celebrate life love healing
Let the dance begin

Colorful vibrant
Loving warm kind wise seeing
Joy laughter love and light

Holding hands connect
Intention deeply listen
Stillness breath joy

Trees sacred magic
Roots grow loving connecting
Heart hidden in Earth

What is the beauty
Connectedness is beauty
We are the beauty

Journeying with you
Together is the sacred
It exists in us

Sadness, joy, grief, love
Are birds of the same feather
We are not alone

Bringing all wisdom
Lessons full and some let go
Love can lead the way

To the great grounders
Our roots ever holding us
Our strength is your gift

This being human
So many imperfections
And yet so perfect

Mermaids can forget…
Mermaids and mycelium
Always connected

a painting by Lorie Gearhart of an octopus with a pink thumbprint border

Thank you to the Group KAP 2023 Cohort for sharing these poems with the PRATI community! If you’re inspired by this collective integration work and would like to share your creative piece, we’d love to hear from you. Learn more about the submission process or contact us!

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