How Beautiful to Hold Space – Art & Integration Feature

abstract watercolor painting

Written by PRATI Community

This article is a submission from the PRATI Community.

Our Art & Integration features uplift and honor our community members’ process of integration and celebrate art as a vehicle for healing. If you’d like to contribute or learn more about the project, visit our psychedelic-inspired art submissions page.

Leah Bellack, LCSW, wrote this poem during the first IM ketamine journey at PRATI’s July 2023 Foundational Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Training. We’re grateful that she shared her poem with the PRATI community! 

how beautiful to hold space
for people to drop into themselves –
fall out of this world and
explore their inner caves, nooks and crannies.
guided by the music,
peeling back the layers –
a disconnection and reconnection 
all at once – 
honored to maintain their physical safety
as they dive in to explore this other realm.
Leah’s reflections on the experience of writing the poem:
I jotted down these words during the first IM experiential of the July KAP training and it was my first time holding space and sitting for someone journeying. The energy in the room was so supportive and beautiful. It was truly a spiritually psychedelic experience in itself – perched upon pillows in a room of beautiful music, intentional healing, synched breathing and holding space for one another.
Reflecting upon the experience, I realize how grateful I am to be in community with beautiful souls helping others release the heavy anchors that no longer serve them and these healers connecting to their own sense of weightless freedom from the inside out. I’ll cherish the feelings of magic and love of my training cohort and am so inspired to know the good that they and PRATI alums and practitioners alike do everywhere they are.
May these disconnections and reconnections help recalibrate us all and in doing so, create a more peaceful, balanced, and loving world.
leah's handwritten poem in a spiral notebook

Thank you to Leah for sharing this poem and reflection with the PRATI community! If you’re inspired by her poem and would like to share your creative piece, we’d love to hear from you. Learn more about the submission process or contact us!

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