Brandie Sellers, MS, LPC, AASECT-CST

Sellers Counseling
Description of Services

My clients are adults struggling with sexual issues, stress, deconstruction from religion, cancer, sexual assault, and life transitions such as young adulthood and menopause. Each person is unique, so I work with each client to create a custom treatment plan to fit their goals. I believe therapy is a collaborative relationship, in which I provide support to my clients as they work to uncover their own life wisdom. The approach I take with each client is unique to that client’s needs. In addition to talk therapy, I incorporate education, mindfulness, movement, breathing exercises, art therapy, and EMDR in my sessions where appropriate. I am excited to be able to offer ketamine assisted psychotherapy as well.

*I believe we did not come here to suffer and die. Some of us have a tremendous amount of hard times in life, and that can leave us feeling like suffering is all there is. But that’s not true. Together, we can uncover some joy for you.
*I believe pleasure is a basic human right, and pleasure does not just mean sex. But it certainly can. I am passionate about access to sexual health education, being sex positive and LGBTQIA+ affirming, and I love working with clients to explore their sexual selves. (I do not touch or engage in sex with clients)
*I believe in your innate wisdom. If you think you cannot access it, or that it’s non-existent, I am up to the challenge of helping you find and cultivate it.
*I believe that shame keeps us from giving up things that aren’t working for us, and that building self compassion through self understanding is the antidote.
*I believe that we can attune to health regardless of size. Every body deserves love, respect, peace with food, and joyful movement.

Price Range (per hour)
$175 to $200
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

Inherent in my practice is my belief in each person’s innate wisdom, and that my job is to help people clear away whatever is getting in the way of them being able to understand and act from that wisdom.