Christina “Cat” Jensen, LCSW

Wild Presence Counseling
Practitioner Information
Description of Services

I empower others to find their resonance with the world through deeply knowing the rhythm that is within them. I support people in finding their way to a path that brings them back to the wild desires of their heart within, their true nature, that flows from existing in a fullness of presence. I like to help people get out of their heads and the content of their story and into their somatic (soma = body), spiritual, and emotional experiences of life. I am here to help people in deeply trusting themselves and their own process and finding repair with the child selves within so they can lead from an Adult Self.

I focus on cross-pollinating KAP, IFS, and EMDR along with somatic and attachment-based principles and practices. I can also bring in Shamanic practices, sound healing, ancestral work, various energy work, quantum meditation & visualization, and the use of other spiritual tools as desired. I find that these tools best support me in helping people go deeply into themselves and drawing out what is needed to find transformation.

I often work with Older Millenials/Xennials/Gen X’ers who are spiritual seekers, ready to reclaim more of themselves and their power in mid-life so they can have deeper presence, joy, aliveness, and connection in their lives by being fully met by themselves and others. I do this individually, with couples (using IFS and KAP), and in group Circles (either in Ketamine Groups or without Ketamine in Women’s Circles.)

I hold space for psychedelic journeys for people from all walks of life so they can go deep into their consciousness to better understand themselves and life’s great mysteries. Sometimes this is about walking out of the shadows with new knowledge and sometimes it is helping people with how to simply expand their light within.

I teach and mentor other therapists, coaches, and wellness practitioners on how to bring energy work into their practices to better support themselves and their clients so they can experience feeling more energized and able to share their gifts with the world.

I also consult with clinicians new to Ketamine practices to support their unique needs in creating their business at all levels, from the practical elements (providing structure, offering ~15 templates) to the energetic pieces (how to hold space and trust the process).

My About and Counseling pages on my website offer more details and specifics on my specialties.

Price Range (per hour)
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

I come from a lineage of teachers and healers, having grown up with alternative medicine as the first path to take toward wellness. I have trained in the traditional Western Healing Arts as a Psychotherapist and Social Worker and have also studied under Shamanic and Energy Work teachers following Eastern Methods of Healing. I see myself as a grounded mystic, born with one foot on the Earth and one foot in the Ether, here to bridge the gap for my clients so they can exist in their fullness of being.

I also see exploring existential questions as vital to the therapy process and hope that the “Big Questions” are what have brought my clients in. I often weave in spirituality as it makes sense to each person and my goal is to help someone get out of their head, into their heart, and connected to the Great Mystery, however they define it. We aren’t here simply to analyze and talk our way through things, we are here to do the sacred work of connecting with our truest Selves, our pure essence of being – which at its root is a collective experience, connected to many others, including to our environment and Nature.

I use the 5 Elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Spirit) as metaphors in my work, as well as the moon cycles, to connect people to the rhythm of the Universe and the constant review and refining process that inherently exists within Nature.

I help people identify what they are and are not in resonance with so they can create a life symphony with beautiful, resounding harmonies- whether that is on their own or with another person or people, through work and purpose, amongst the natural world, or in the activities that bring play and fulfillment to their lives.