Cristina Smugala, MA, LPC

Restoring Clarity Counseling
Practitioner Information
Type of Provider
Licensed Therapist
Certificates with Other Training Centers
Polaris Insight Center
Description of Services

My passion is to empathetically guide and support the transformation of traumatic experience. I strive to empower all clients to face their fears, unburden toxic shame, heal traumatic wounds and support clients in reclaiming their courage and their inherent wisdom through a process of reconnection with their authentic valuable qualities within. The ability to have love, compassion and acceptance for yourself are powerful healing forces that I strive to ignite, recover and unlock in my clients. Through EMDR, IFS and Somatic Experiencing I focus on restoring a sense of calm, centered connectedness within the brain and body. I work to inspire courage and to promote healing so clients can embody radical acceptance, release fear, and embrace authenticity. I support the embodiment of transformational experiences of non-ordinary states of consciousness through providing psychedelic integration, education, and support services utilizing a psychedelic harm reduction framework.

Price Range (per hour)
$115 to $140
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.