Dylan Rivard, MA, LPC

Dylan Rivard
Practitioner Information
Type of Provider
Licensed Therapist
Certificates with Other Training Centers
Integrative Psychiatry Institute
Description of Services

We learn about ourselves and how to live life through our experiences. Moments of hope, connection, and inspiration provide us resiliency and give us the capacity to change and grow. Moments of overwhelm, hopelessness, and traumatic experiences can cause us to feel stuck, frustrated, and like we are fighting to get out of our own way.

I help clients to heal and grow by supporting them to have new and transformative experiences. With a background in nature-based, mindfulness, and somatic therapies, I look to give clients a new experience of themselves and others that they can work to integrate into their daily lives. Psychedelic assisted therapy is particularly useful at generating these experiences, and by grounding these experiences into ordinary practices of connecting to nature and your body, I believe that you can find your own path towards healing.

Price Range (per hour)
$75 to $400
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

I believe the key to mental health lies in a person’s sense of connection to the sacred. Whether that be nature, your ancestors, a god or goddess, finding ways to connect to a bigger sense of yourself and the universe creates the capacity for a full and rich life. It is from a perspective of sacredness and participation in the web of life that flows all around us that we are able to bring each of our unique gifts to bear, and to engage the world from a sense of wonder and gratitude. This sacred grounding into appreciation for all this is, is our birthright. Are you ready to claim yours?