Esteban da Cruz, LMHC, RYT-500

Commonwealth Counseling, LLC
Practitioner Information
Type of Provider
Licensed Therapist
Certificates with Other Training Centers
Ketamine Training Center
Description of Services

Esteban Da Cruz is a licensed mental-health counselor, consultant, and researcher with more than a decade of experience teaching mindfulness, yoga and meditation. His areas of expertise include wellness, spirituality, addiction recovery and psychedelic therapy; he currently works as a community clinician and offers private services as well.

He is certified in internal family systems, as well as in Motivational Interviewing and various mindfulness-based modalities. He studies and practices closely with seasoned teachers of Tibetan and Indian lineage and integrates Eastern wellness and contemplative practices with modern Western psychology to help individuals and groups cultivate healing, harmony and well-being in their lives. Esteban has a particular affinity for supporting individuals interested in using psychedelic medicines to access their inner healing and cultivate lasting change in their lives.

Price Range (per hour)
$180 to $220
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

Wellness is the beneficial acquisition, integration utilization, and care of resources for the fulfillment of purposes. Its primary metrics are congruence & completion. When we are misaligned with the truth as it pertains to our Self, Community, Nature and Spirit, we suffer. To walk the path out of suffering, we must heal the primal wound (and the illusory sense of separation which it brings) and cultivate alignment with our deeper needs, as well as the needs of the communities, systems, and relationships in which we are inextricably embedded.