Kelly Buisseret, MD

Practitioner Information
Type of Provider
Description of Services

Dr. Buisseret is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with over 15 years of experience. She is a graduate of the University of Colorado Medical school. In her role as a hospitalist, Kelly has honed her skills working to provide guidance to people during some of the most difficult transitions in their lives. She is passionate about treating the whole person and believes in the importance of bridging the gap between Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine, including natural medicine, mindfulness, and meditation. Dr. Buisseret focuses on working with front-line workers, first responders, and end of life transitions. She has also completed Karuna training in Contemplative Psychology and is certified in Ketamine Assisted Therapy through the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI).

Price Range (per hour)
$155 to $500
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.