Kimberly Skelton, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor and Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist

Widening Circles, PC
Description of Services

Widening Circles, PC is a private mental health and substance use disorder practice focused on providing individualized, intensive treatment in an outpatient setting. Utilizing an innovative, multidisciplinary team approach, our team offers comprehensive assessment and nimble care tailored to the needs of each client. We offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy as part of our comprehensive approach to wellness and have found that this unique type of treatment is most effective when paired with other forms of therapy that complement and deepen the work.

Our program primarily serves motivated clients seeking a higher level of care than traditional outpatient treatment can provide; those seeking a supportive aftercare option following inpatient or residential care; and clients who may receive benefit from working one-on-one with members of a coordinated treatment team. Many of our providers are dually licensed to treat mental health and substance use disorder conditions and have years of experience working with the interplay of complex trauma, addiction and mental health concerns.

Treatment plans consist of a tailored combination of psychiatry, individual and/or family psychotherapy, neurofeedback, recovery coaching, employment/career/educational exploration, therapeutic wilderness experiences, intuitive astrology, acupuncture, herbal medicine and more. Our team collaborates daily and holds weekly treatment team meetings, allowing us to offer our clients the highest quality care.

Price Range (per hour)
$150 to $350
Offer Sliding Scale
Values Statements
I support PRATI’s vision of a planet in which people flourish and thrive in right relationship with the natural world.
Briefly describe how your clinical work or business practice (e.g., policies, practices, or educational offerings) aligns with PRATI's Purpose statement: "Reconnecting to the Sacred: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit".

As a psychotherapist, my driving force is to support and empower psychospiritual growth, healing, and recovery through compassionate connection and mindful, heart-centered care.