October Newsletter

Written by Sam Killmeyer

Sam Killmeyer is a writer and organizer living in Northern Colorado. She serves as PRATI’s Communications and Program Assistant.

Welcome to our October Newsletter! In this newsletter, you’ll find our Director’s address on how psychedelics can be a way of rewilding the brain, a KAP alumni spotlight on John Moos, images from our September KAP training, and more!

image of a beaver carrying a stick

Rewilding Human-Made Systems

by Executive Director Jamie Harvie

Within the psilocybin brain image, there was, and is, something hard to put into words; a sense of aliveness, of movement. Akin to a rewilding of the brain from a state of control and order, to the needed rewilding of human-made systems and landscapes; or to the reintroduction of beavers to the American West.

headshot of John Moos, MD

KAP Spotlight: John Moos

John is a trauma healer and medical doctor. He attended PRATI KAP training in 2021 and is the founder of Moos MD, where he provides psychedelic-assisted therapy to clients in Los Angeles.

vases of flowers

What is PRATI? Reflections on the September KAP Training

by Communications Assistant Sam Killmeyer

As the new PRATI communications and program associate, I was invited to attend the September KAP Training in order to better understand what PRATI is and what it offers to the world. I was told beforehand that the experience was something special, that you could only understand by being there, and that I had to go and “soak up the PRATI goodness.” All of these things were true, and more.

Photos From Our September KAP Training

We came together in joyful community with 21 participants and 10 PRATI staff in our September KAP Training at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, CO. Here are a few images from the training! Our next KAP Training will be held on November 3–6. 

Co-create an Earth Invocation Poem

PRATI is excited to partner with the One Sacred Earth Project in the co-creation of a gifts of nature gratitude invocation. In this five-minute online exercise, we invite you to anonymously share some words of gratitude for the natural world and your relationship with the gifts of nature. Your submissions will be curated into a gratitude invocation that will be shared back to the global community so we may learn about, elevate, and celebrate what we hold sacred as a collective.

We are also seeking volunteer catalysts — individuals or organizations willing to collaborate and share the link, get the word out, and help curate submissions! Want to get involved? Click here to let us know.

Contribute To Our Newsletter!

We are reimagining the possibilities for our newsletter and will be including essays, poems, visual art, or music from our community in future newsletters! If you’re interested in sharing your work, email sam.killmeyer@pratigroup.org with the subject line “Newsletter Submission.”

PRATI Bookstore

Our bookstore is filled with books that our PRATI faculty have found meaningful. At our KAP Trainings, we create a small “library” that participants can contribute to and borrow from throughout the training. This bookstore is a way of extending the spirit of that library to our community online so that everyone can benefit from our collective knowledge! Plus, with every purchase of a book from our bookstore, you’re able to both support PRATI and your local, independent bookstore. All health is local, and we want you to be able to easily access these beautiful books while also supporting your local community!

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