KAP Poetry – October 2021 Training

Written by Rachel Kosciusko

PRATI KAP training participant in October 2021 cohort.

The concept of the Sacred is foundational to our organizational philosophy with art, music and poetry woven throughout our KAP trainings. It now feels almost inevitable that a song, work of art, or poem will be gifted from the universe at a training and brought forward by one or more of our participants. The following is a beautiful example—a poem, written by Rachel Kosciusko, PA-C, a participant in our October 2021 training, and shared with her cohort. 

Kwasi Adusei, DNP, her training dyad partner, shared the following context: ”In the prep sessions I had with Rachel, I shared with her a science fiction novel I was writing (very leisurely writing) about a girl named Ruby. It’s a story about navigating the darkness of the world, looking for a source of light, only to eventually find it inside herself. Rachel wrote this poem during my journey, guided by my story and the beautiful Gandalf structure that was watching over me in the hammock.”



When you were young,
the lightening of your maternal embrace
pierced your foundation,

through tree roots, leaves, atoms, synapses
journeying, arising in smoke

to become the flames in your lovers eyes,
the most precious jewel, you keep it in your pocket,

and walk through your town. 
A softer love emanates from a wizards eyes
carried in wind, ground, sky, 

it’s all good.

somewhere between your thoughts and interpretations
there is a cave
tunneling to thoughtless understanding
minerals, forming 
Love, fate, flickering stones

you are a ruby. 
a joy to the world.

–Rachel Kosciusko

Thank you Rachel and Kwasi for this beautiful poem and reflection of the Sacred!

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