December Newsletter

Written by Sam Killmeyer

Sam Killmeyer is a writer and organizer living in Northern Colorado. She serves as PRATI’s Communications and Program Assistant.

Welcome to our December Newsletter! In this newsletter, you’ll find our Director’s address reflecting on the past year and looking forward to what 2023 will bring, photos from our November KAP Training, and art from our community — including poems by Cole Butler and photos by Tony Rooney! 

meditation labyrinth at sunrise ranch with a dusting of snow

Sensing Into Emergence

by Executive Director Jamie Harvie

As we close the year, I am feeling so grateful for our growing community and the PRATI board, faculty, staff, and volunteers that are helping our network grow and flourish and for the possibilities that abound. Consistent with our ecological model, I’m excited to share that in early 2023 we will prototype and then launch a Group KAP Training Program and End of Life (EOL) KAP Programming. And, there are more projects in the pipeline.

Help Nurture PRATI’s Growth

Looking back on the past year, there is so much we have done together — and we are grateful for you! In 2022, we were able to award 17 scholarships ($64,000) and trained professionals from 28 states and four countries. If you’d like to continue to support us in this work of collective healing and transformation, consider giving a donation or giving a gift of a book from our bookstore.

Cole Butler and his family

Poems By Cole Butler

Cole collected and distributed some of his poems that felt relevant to ketamine work, potentially to be utilized during the swishing portion of oral KAP sessions. He has read these poems during swishing for his group KAP sessions and encourages others to share this work and utilize it in KAP practice as feels appropriate.

vases of flowers

Photos By Tony Rooney

Tony Rooney attended our November 2022 PRATI KAP Training, where he took these photographs and captions, which graciously shared with our community!

Photos From Our November KAP Training

We came together in joyful community with 28 participants and 10 PRATI staff in our November KAP Training at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, CO. Here are a few images from the training! This was the final training of the year, and we look forward to what 2023 will bring.

image of full group of november training participants

Looking For Holiday Gift Ideas?

Check out the PRATI bookstore! It’s filled with books that our PRATI faculty have found meaningful. And with every purchase of a book from our bookstore, you’re able to both support PRATI and your local, independent bookstore. 

Contribute To Our Newsletter!

Our December Newsletter is full of beautiful artwork from our community! If you’re inspired by this work and would like to contribute psychedelic-inspired poems, essays, visual art, or music, email with the subject line “Newsletter Submission.”

Co-Create an Earth Invocation Poem

PRATI is excited to partner with the One Sacred Earth Project in the co-creation of a gifts of nature gratitude invocation. In this five-minute online exercise, we invite you to anonymously share some words of gratitude for the natural world and your relationship with the gifts of nature. Your submissions will be curated into a gratitude invocation that will be shared back to the global community so we may learn about, elevate, and celebrate what we hold sacred as a collective.

We are also seeking volunteer catalysts — individuals or organizations willing to collaborate and share the link, get the word out, and help curate submissions! Want to get involved? Click here to let us know.

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